Soft ferrite cores characterization for integrated micro- inductors Adding ferrofluid was found to increase the unstrained inductance by up to 280% relative to a similar inductor with a non-magnetic silicone core, while retaining the ability to survive uniaxial strains up to 100%. An analytical model is developed for the effects of mechanical strain, followed by experimental verification using two different ferrofluids with different permeabilities. Using a silicone molding technique to create multi-layer fluidic channels, a liquid metal solenoid is fabricated around a ferrofluid channel. In this work, stretchable inductors are demonstrated based on the use of ferrofluids, magnetic liquids based on distributed magnetic particles, to create a compliant magnetic core. However, traditional magnetic cores are rigid and poorly suited for the emerging field of stretchable electronics, where highly deformable inductors are used to wirelessly couple power and data signals. Stretchable inductor with liquid magnetic coreĪdding magnetic materials is a well-established method for improving performance of inductors. The inductor was also shown to survive uniaxial strains of up to 100%.

The low frequency inductance was found to increase from 255 nH before fill to 390 nH after fill with ferrofluid, an increase of 52%. The inductor tested in this work consisted of a liquid metal solenoid wrapped around a ferrofluid core in separate channels. Ferrofluids, suspensions of nanoscale magnetic particles in a carrier liquid, provide enhanced magnetic permeability without changing the mechanical properties of the surrounding elastomer. This paper presents, for the first time, stretchable inductors incorporating ferrofluid as a liquid magnetic core. The emerging field of stretchable electronics poses a new challenge since typical magnetic cores are bulky, rigid and often brittle.

Magnetic materials are commonly used in inductor and transformer cores to increase inductance density. Ferrofluid-based Stretchable Magnetic Core Inductors